10 Amazing DIY Jewelry Box

Amazing DIY Jewelry Box

10 Amazing DIY Jewelry Box

Do you need a space for your jewelry? We have for you 10 projects of amazing jewelry boxes, which you can make on your own. That’s always cheaper to make your own jewelry box than buying it in the store and additionaly you can be proud of your work. In that case – let’s get started. Below every photo you will find a link to the tutorial.

1. DIY Simple Jewelry Box

DIY Simple Jewelry Box

Tutorial at GirlLovesGlam

2. DIY Tiffany & Co Inspired Jewelry Box

DIY Tiffany & Co Inspired Jewelry Box

Tutorial at LifeAnnStyle

3. DIY Pure & Simple Jewelry Box

DIY Pure & Simple Jewelry Box

Tutorial at PopularWoodworking

4. DIY Old Book Jewelry Box

DIY Old Book Jewelry Box

Tutorial at EatSleepDecorate

5. DIY Jewelry Box Altoid Tin

DIY Jewelry Box Altoid Tin

Tutorial at CarpeDiemKindOfLife

6. DIY Record Player Jewelry Box

DIY Record Player Jewelry Box

Tutorial at PleaseNotePaper

7. DIY Jewelry Box from Cigar Box

DIY Jewelry Box from Cigar Box

Tutorial at AnnaBode

8. DIY Oak Jewelry Box

DIY Oak Jewelry Box

Tutorial at Instructables

9. DIY Cherry Jewelry Box

DIY Cherry Jewelry Box

Tutorial at WoodArchivist

10. DIY Easy Jewelry Box

DIY Easy Jewelry Box

Tutorial at AnaWhite

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