20 Brilliant Glass Gem Crafts

Glass Gem Crafts

20 Brilliant Glass Gem Crafts

There are plenty craft projects you can make with glass gems. Glass gems are inexpensive and you can find them at dollar stores, Amazon or eBay. Here’s a list of 20 glass gem crafts, which you can easily DIY. Below every photo you will find a link to the tutorial.

1. Glass Gem Suncatcher

Glass Gem Suncatcher

Tutorial at SubscriptionBoxRamblings

2. DIY Photo Pendant

DIY Photo Pendant

Tutorial at SarahSaving

3. DIY Alcohol Ink Glass Gem Necklace

DIY Alcohol Ink Glass Gem Necklace

Tutorial at SarahJanesCraftBlog

4. DIY Up Cycled Glass Bottle Lights

DIY Up Cycled Glass Bottle Lights

Tutorial at Hometalk

5. DIY Glass Gem Magnets

DIY Glass Gem Magnets

Tutorial at FamilyFocusBlog

6. DIY Glass Gem Photo Frames

DIY Glass Gem Photo Frames

Tutorial at Ruffles&Stuff

7. Glass Gem Tiled Table

Glass Gem Tiled Table

Tutorial at Rosyscription

8. DIY Glass Marble Necklace

DIY Glass Marble Necklace

Tutorial at ConsumerCrafts

9. Glass Gem Sun Catchers Kids Can Make

Glass Gem Sun Catchers Kids Can Make

Tutorial at KidsActivitiesBlog

10. DIY Decorative Garden Ball

DIY Decorative Garden Ball

Tutorial at EmpressofDirt

11. DIY Marble Vase

DIY Marble Vase

Tutorial at Addicted2Decorating

12. DIY Glass Marbles in The Fence

DIY Glass Marbles in The Fence

Tutorial at GardenDrama

13. DIY Glitter Gems & Magnets

DIY Glitter Gems & Magnets

Tutorial at ColorMadeHappy

14. DIY Wine Bottle Pendant Lamps

DIY Wine Bottle Pendant Lamps

Tutorial at ILoveToCreateBlog

15. DIY Glass Beads Rock Bowl

DIY Glass Beads Rock Bowl

Tutorial at VeryFondOf

16. DIY Dresser Mirror

DIY Dresser Mirror

Tutorial at Create&Babble

17. DIY Glass Gem Flower Pot

DIY Glass Gem Flower Pot

Tutorial at BusyHandsArt

18. DIY Plant Markers

DIY Plant Markers

Tutorial at Woojr

19. Beachy Glass Gem Wall Art

Beachy Glass Gem Wall Art

Tutorial at Rosyscription

20. DIY Glass Gem Votive Holder

DIY Glass Gem Votive Holder

Tutorial at ArrowFastener

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