10 Cheap DIY Fire Pits For Under $100

Cheap DIY Fire Pits

10 Cheap DIY Fire Pits

Meeting with friends and family by the fire pit is a great pleasure. Common toasting marshmallows and making s’mores has its unique atmosphere. If your yard doesn’t have a fire pit – don’t bother. Fire pit is easy to do and can be done in couple of hours. We present a collection of 10 cheap fire pits that you can DIY.

1. DIY Fire Pit by ThriftyLittleMom

DIY Fire Pit by ThriftyLittleMom

Total cost of this fire pit was around $60. Tutorial at ThriftyLittleMom

2. DIY Personal Fire Pit by TheArtOfDoingStuff

DIY Personal Fire Pit by TheArtOfDoingStuff

Total cost of this fire pit was $25. Tutorial at TheArtOfDoingStuff

3. DIY Fire Pit Using Conrete Tree Rings by Instructables

DIY Fire Pit Using Conrete Tree Rings by Instructables

Total cost: $50-$80 depending on your taste in stones. Tutorial at Instructables

4. DIY Upcycled Fire Pit by House&Fig

Made from recycled washing machine drum. Total cost was $10. Tutorial at House&Fig

5. DIY Fire Pit by TheCoastalHomestead

DIY Fire Pit by TheCoastalHomestead

Total cost of this fire pit should be under $20. Tutorial at TheCoastalHomestead

6. DIY Modern Concrete Fire Pit by ManMade

DIY Modern Concrete Fire Pit by ManMade

Total cost of materials should be under $50. Tutorial at ManMade

7. DIY Fire Pit by TheBrickHouse

DIY Fire Pit by TheBrickHouse

It was about $100 for all the materials. Tutorial at TheBrickHouse

8. DIY Fire Pit by Kezzabeth

DIY Fire Pit by Kezzabeth

Total cost of this fire pit was only $24. Tutorial at Kezzabeth

9. DIY Fire Pit by Howchoo

DIY Fire Pit by Howchoo

Total cost of this fire pit was $75. Tutorial at Howchoo

10. DIY Fire Pit by SharpeCreations

DIY Fire Pit by SharpeCreations

The pit cost only $8.00 to make. Source: SharpeCreations

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