12 Inexpensive DIY Meat Smokers

DIY Meat Smokers

12 Inexpensive DIY Meat Smokers

If you want to add a lot of flavor to meat then you should cook it in a smoker. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on meat smoker from the store, becouse you can do it by yourself. We present 12 DIY meat smokers with instructions for everyone.

1. DIY Oil Drum BBQ Smoker

DIY Oil Drum BBQ Smoker

Tutorial via Instructables

2. DIY Trash Can Smoker

DIY Trash Can Smoker

Tutorial via Cruftbox

3. DIY Clay-Pot Smoker

DIY Clay-Pot Smoker

Tutorial via Mother Earth News

4. DIY Smoker From a 55-Gallon Drum

DIY Smoker From a 55-Gallon Drum

Tutorial via PopularMechanics

5. DIY No-Weld Double-Barrel Smoker

DIY No-Weld Double-Barrel Smoker

Tutorial via Instructables

6. DIY Recycled Smoker

DIY Recycled Smoker

Tutorial via The recykler

7. DIY Drum Smoker

DIY Drum Smoker

Tutorial via The At Home Welder

8. DIY Ugly Drum Smoker

DIY Ugly Drum Smoker

Tutorial via How to BBQ Right

9. DIY Whiskey Barrel BBQ Smoker

DIY Whiskey Barrel BBQ Smoker

Tutorial via The Smoke Ring

10. DIY Little Blue Egg

DIY Little Blue Egg

The main part of this smoker are two big flower pots. (Tutorial via Zone12 Project Group)

11. DIY BBQ Barrel

DIY BBQ Barrel

Tutorial via Instructables

12. DIY Concrete Block Hog Smoker

DIY Concrete Block Hog Smoker

Tutorial via Smoking Meat Forums

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