12 Awesome Indoor Bike Storage Ideas

Indoor Bike Storage Ideas

12 Awesome Indoor Bike Storage Ideas

Storing a bicycle in a small apartment is a real problem – especially if you do not have a cellar or garage. Here are some awesome ideas for storing your bike, which will work great even in a small apartment.

1. Michelangelo Two Bike Gravity Stand

Michelangelo Two Bike Gravity Stand

Source: PublicBikes

2. DIY Wall Bike Hanger

DIY Wall Bike Hanger

Tutorial at Kyle Wilson

3. The Bike Shelf

The Bike Shelf

Source: The Knife And Saw

4. Storage Rack For Many Bikes

Storage Rack For Many Bikes

Tutorial at Instructables

5. Peri Bike Rack

Peri Bike Rack

Source: Peri Products

6. Indoor Storage Unit for Multiple Bikes

Indoor Storage Unit for Multiple Bikes

Tutorial at Liv

7. Bicycle Covering Sock

Bicycle Covering Sock

Source: Velosock

8. Stolmen Bike Rack

Stolmen Bike Rack

Tutorial at Ikea Hackers

9. Ceiling-Mounted Bike

Ceiling-Mounted Bike

Source: Amazon

10. Store Bikes Under the Stairs

Store Bikes Under the Stairs

Source: Dwell

11. Wild Bicycle Racks

Wild Bicycle Racks

Source: Design My World

12. Custom DIY Bike Storage

Custom DIY Bike Storage

Tutorial at Mini Penny Blog

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